%define bname heroes %define version 0.20 %define release 1 %define name %{bname}-ggi %define prefix /usr %define bindir %{prefix}/games %define datadir %{prefix}/share/games %define docdir %{prefix}/doc/%{bname}-%{version} %define pixdir %{prefix}/share/pixmaps %define source %{bname}-%{version} Summary: Heroes - Game like Nibbles but different. Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release} Copyright: GPL Group: Amusements/Games Url: http://heroes.sourceforge.net/ Source: http://download.sourceforge.net/heroes/%{source}.tar.bz2 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-buildroot Packager: Jean Delvare Obsoletes: %{bname}-sdl10-nosound, %{bname}-ggi-nosound, %{bname}-sdl11, %{bname}-sdl Requires: %{bname}-data >= 1.4, %{bname}-sound-effects >= 1.0, %{bname}-sound-tracks >= 1.0, libmikmod >= 3.1.7 %description Heroes is similar to the "Tron" and "Nibbles" games of yore, but includes many graphical improvements and new game features. In it, you must maneuver a small vehicle around a world and collect powerups while avoiding obstacles, your opponents' trails, and even your own trail. Several modes of play are available, including "get-all-the-bonuses", deathmatch, and "squish-the-pedestrians". %prep %setup -n %{source} %build ./configure --prefix=%{prefix} --bindir=%{bindir} --datadir=%{datadir} --without-sdl --disable-debug --enable-html-doc=%{docdir} ; uname -a | grep SMP && make -j 2 || make %install [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ; mkdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ; make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install ; mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{docdir} ; cp ABOUT-NLS ANNOUNCE AUTHORS BUGS COPYING ChangeLog* HACKING INSTALL NEWS README THANKS TODO $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{docdir} for cl in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{docdir}/ChangeLog* ; do gzip "$cl" ; done mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pixdir} ; cp misc/heroes-*.xpm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pixdir} %clean [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,755) %{bindir}/heroes %{bindir}/heroeslvl %{prefix}/info/heroes.info* %{prefix}/man/man6/heroes.6* %{prefix}/man/man6/heroeslvl.6* %{datadir}/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/heroes.mo %{datadir}/heroes/etc/heroesrc %{docdir}/heroes.html %{docdir}/ABOUT-NLS %{docdir}/ANNOUNCE %{docdir}/AUTHORS %{docdir}/BUGS %{docdir}/COPYING %{docdir}/ChangeLog*.gz %{docdir}/HACKING %{docdir}/INSTALL %{docdir}/NEWS %{docdir}/README %{docdir}/THANKS %{docdir}/TODO %{pixdir}/heroes-*.xpm %changelog * Sat Mar 9 2002 Jean Delvare 0.20-1 - Updated dependence to heroes-data (now 1.4). * Sat Dec 8 2001 Jean Delvare 0.17-1 - Really handle ChangeLog.01 and upcoming. * Sun Sep 30 2001 Jean Delvare 0.14-1 - New files heroeslvl and heroeslvl.6. * Sun May 27 2001 Jean Delvare 0.11-1 - Anyway, charset.aliases is not supposed to be installed on recent systems, forget about it. - Handle ChangeLog.00 and upcoming. - Updated dependence to heroes-data (now 1.1). * Tue May 8 2001 Jean Delvare 0.10-1 - The new file charset.aliases is not installed, will be fixed later. - Locale files are now in %{datadir}, not %{prefix}/share. * Sun Feb 25 2001 Jean Delvare 0.9-1 - Added NLS-ABOUT to docdir. - ChangeLog is now gzip'ed. - Added locale files. - Debug disabled. * Fri Jan 26 2001 Jean Delvare 0.8-1 - Removed anything from txt_cfg. * Fri Dec 1 2000 Jean Delvare 0.7-1 - Added ANNOUNCE, BUGS and HACKING to docdir. - Added pixmaps. * Sun Sep 17 2000 Jean Delvare 0.6-1 - Only two binaries will be maintained : sdl (1.1.x) and ggi (+gii), both with sound. - Data, sound effects and sound tracks are now in separate .noarch files. - Source rpm isn't maintained until further notice. I think it is better to make the spec files available separately. * Wed Jul 26 2000 Jean Delvare 0.5-1 - Decided to produce many binary rpms linked to different libraries. - A single source rpm however.